An Exploration of Boundaries


[Article by Alice published on Frolic]

The road to happily ever after is paved with boundary negotiations. From the first meeting to the happy ending in a romance story, characters interact in a series of approaches and retreats, queries and responses. Yes. No. Maybe.

This is why I love writing and reading romance: the genre explores how to manage boundaries, overcome impediments, and be more true to oneself. 

As I wrote The Infinite Onion, I considered how someone who’d lost the ability to manage his own boundaries could be healed. Oliver Rossi, a man rooted in his past, has lived a complacent and unchallenged life for a long time. This changes when […]

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Alice Archer is the author of The Infinite Onion and Everyday History, thought-provoking romance novels for strong hearts. You can subscribe to her newsletter to receive a free story, notification of new articles and books, and more.

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